So 7.7. 18h
La Minor (Openair im Rahmen des Festes der Solidarität)
Openair im Rahmen des "Festes der Solidarität" auf dem Neumarkt - gemeinsam gegen Rassismus, Ausgrenzung und Krieg!
Mit sowjetischen Gangster-Chansons, kraftvollem russischen Folk und leidenschaftlich gespielten Klezmer-Melodien locken uns La Minor in die verruchte Unterwelt alter Zeiten. Enge Gassen, schummrige Kneipen und Krimi-Streifen aus den 30er Jahren inspirierten den Sänger Slava Shalygin und seine Musiker, die sich im Jahr 2000 zusammen fanden und schnell zur neuen Kultband des wilden St. Petersburger Untergrunds wurden. La Minor sorgen für die Renaissance einer fast vergessenen Musikrichtung: „Blatnjak“, das sind derbe Ganoven-Lieder über Verbrecher, Knast, Alkohol, Drogen, über Liebe, Verrat und Tod. Sie wurden zu Sowjetzeiten im ganzen Land illegal komponiert und aufgenommen, gehört und gehandelt. Diese einzigartige musikalische Welt präsentieren sie mit authentischen Arrangements, musikalischer Brillianz und jeder Menge subversivem Charme! Schon lange ist die Band mit dieser temporeichen und tanzbaren Melange auch in Westeuropa angekommen, und gehört damit zu den Lieblingsbands russophiler Fans. 2013 haben La Minor ihre fünfte Studio-CD „Ona byla pervoy” (‚Sie war die erste‘) veröffentlicht!
und hier geht es zum ganzen Programm:
Street Chanson and Gangster Swing from St. Petersburg
There is something like the La Minor sound: warm and authentic with live acoustic instruments; no overdubs or mini disc fibbing. This band you recognise instantly and they create their own atmosphere. They are real. And they have charm.
Founded in St. Petersburg in 2000, La Minor has been on tour in Europe several times and has played in many small clubs and bars as well as in bigger halls and on festivals since. They have since gathered a devoted fan base.
La Minor’s music invites you to a glass of wine as well as to dance. The Bayan (the Russian button accordion) pushes, the saxophone flatters and singer Slava Shalygin tells his lyrical gangster stories: backyard songs about bad boys, love, passion, alcohol and prison.
La Minor comes from St. Petersburg, but do have a partiality for Odessa. Indeed the alleys and bars of these two cities are a bit similar with their European charm. La Minor plays so-called street chanson, Russian folk, jazz and klezmer (Odessa style). They resurrect part of the atmosphere of the Odessa of the 20’s to 40’s. Their songs sound like musical detective stories about little rascals and tragic loves - joyful and melancholic at the same time. Thieves and police men, whores and undercover agents crowd the urban underworld of La Minor songs. The gentle-tender maternal nature of the Russian language makes the tough stories touching and timeless.
La Minor’s singer and lyricist Slava Shalygin’s hero is the Soviet underground singer Arkadi Severny. His style, not quite appropriately named Russian chanson, stems from the Soviet subculture of the 70’s. You could only officially get this music after the implosion of the Soviet Union. Before, this was the privilege of the few happy owners of mysterious samizdat tapes and cassettes which were copied in the underground. La Minor now develops Severny’s ideas further into their own repertoire with sophisticated arrangements and deadpan delivery. Russki Chanson has become an annoying genre in Russia and pounds out of every taxi there these days. Refusing to wear golden chains and add corniness to their music, La Minor are the black and thus likeable sheep of the Russian prison and camp chanson. Therefore the band performs rather in rock clubs and doesn’t get aired on Radio Chanson in Moscow. They call their music ‘underground chanson with a human face’. Deliberately, La Minor chooses for their interpretations mostly no standards, but rather not so well-known pearls of folk poetry. These old gangster and jail songs – so-called Blatnyak – had also been present in Soviet times. Officially banned, these songs were the real folklore, as sung by the people at private parties or played on guitar in the parks. Especially in Odessa, the colourful port city and melting pot for many nationalities, with its long Jewish tradition, these songs were sung in pubs as well as amongst intellectuals and artists. The proud tragedies and wild adventures of the sailors and thefts, combined with the infamous Odessa humour, are the material La Minor carves their world from: a world of dodgy port bars where smug gangster Casanovas dance tango with their ladies and drink wine and play cards with their pals.
Folk music rarely ever sounded so tight and cool. You might call it Dirty Folk. This makes La Minor popular not only with a rock and indie audience, but also amongst the folk fans and intellectuals. And when the musicians of La Minor, dressed in vests and flat caps, enter the stage of your club, you know that tonight it’s time to dance and indulge. Those little criminal chansons get you with a lot of soul and feeling, but also with a wink – sometimes pleasantly jazzy, sometimes with speedy polka. La Minor means high spirits and melancholy at the same time.