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So 05.05.2024 19 Uhr
Logan's Closed (Psychrock) & Kollektiv für Lärmkultur

Chocolate Soup presents:

Logan's Close

Pull up a beanbag and cut a rug. Logan's Close is coming to town. With their debut album, Heart-Shaped Jacuzzi, the Edinburgh based band, headed by Scott Rough and Carl Marah, are showcasing the record’s shimmering collection of instant classics in the grooviest underground emporiums around.

Originally comin’ straight outta Dunbar - arguably Scotland’s lesser known rock and roll capital - Rough and Marah formed Logan’s Close in order to fuse their love of Merseybeat, British invasion baroque bubblegum and laidback Los Angeles soft psych with a more Now sounding approach to songwriting. Having drafted in Stuart Neil on bass, Sean Morrison on keys, and Gavin Lamont on drums, the fruits of the dynamic duo’s union can be heard across a spate of singles released over the last eight years.

This included a sold out spectacle at The Liquid Rooms in Edinburgh in December 2023, where the bandperformed in its entirety "Heart-Shaped Jacuzzi", a ‘60s tinged collection that moves from basement bar bravura to tripped out Happening, without taking an entire decade to get there.

"Heart-Shaped Jacuzzi" was recorded in Hamburg, once upon a time the red light district breeding ground for British beat groups’ sometimes dubious rites of passage, and now playing host to a new generation of young men who should know better.

If the ‘90s were just the ‘60s turned upside down, Logan’s Close are the Century 21 sons and heirs to both.

"The sexiest band in Scotland" – Vic Galloway, BBC Radio Scotland

"This is a superb outfit who deserve great things to happen in the future" – Edinburgh Evening News

“They have a seemingly endless energy on stage; which is coupled with clever harmonies and really groovy tunes. It would be verd indeed, not to like what they do. Utterly infectious.” – The Write Angle

Kollektiv für Lärmkultur

„Ein guter Song muss nicht länger sein als zwei Minuten!“ Mit diesem Motto sieht sich das „Kollektiv für Lärmkultur“ in der Tradition des Beat und Power Pop der Sechziger Jahre. Das heißt: eingängige Refrains, mehrstimmiger Gesang, alles sehr tanzbar und mit einer Prise Punk garniert. Statt der klassischen Themen wie Liebe und Herzschmerz, besingt die Band lieber indische Restaurants, die Schönheit Ludwigshafens oder das Gefühl, einen schicken Strickpullover zu tragen.

Christopher Wüst - Gitarre / Gesang
Andrés Bertomeu - Schlagzeug
Tim Reiser - Bass
Moritz Erbach - Orgel

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