Mi 7.8. 20.45h
Ouzo Bazooka (ISR) Mediterranean Psychedelic Desert Blues Rock
Böckstr.21, 68159 Mannheim
Schwindelerregender Middle-East-Fuzz-Sound aus Israel. Ouzo Bazooka spielt nach eigener Definition Middle Eastern Psychedelic Rock. Musik, die einen mit sich fort trägt wie ein Wüstenwind, dynamisch und voller Überraschungen…, so klingen Ouzo Bazooka. Tel Aviv ist ein multikultureller Schmelztiegel, hier treffen Osteuropäer auf Inder, Afrikaner und Ostasiaten. Der perfekte Platz für Uri Brauner Kinrot und seine Band Ouzo Bazooka um neue musikalische Wege zu erkunden. Die Songs drehen sich um die kleinen Dinge, die wir so oft für gegeben hinnehmen, um die Magie des Augenblicks, um Unsicherheit und Liebe und die schwierige Lage im nahen Osten.
Bereits zum 4 Mal in Mannheim zu Gast!
Einlass ab 20.00 Uhr Beginn ca 20.45 Uhr
Ouzo Bazooka represents everything that is beautiful in Tel Aviv; Cultural coexistence, vigorous creation and an always happening urban scene. Drawing influences from this local melting pot and exotic Middle Eastern feel, along with classic hard rock, psychedelic art, garage rock and surf - Ouzo Bazooka's sound is a dizzying concoction of east meets west that will send Hell's Angels dancing on table-tops, breaking plates, grinning stupidly and ending up on the floor in a group-hug-pile-up.
SIMOOM will be released in March 2016 via Setalight Records (Berlin). The 10 songs featured on this album were recorded during the Summer of 2015 at Uri's studio, which is located in one of Tel Aviv's most colourful neighbourhood, populated by people from Eastern Europe, India, Africa and Eastern Asia. Exotic food and fresh coffee, two defining flavors of the Middle Eastern shuk, are significant ingredients of the album. The attitude, sound and vibrance of the music comes out through in the form of spicy licks and saucy lyrics.
Leader of the pack Uri Brauner Kinrot, a prolific singer-songwriter has established himself as a major name in the local and global music scene. He had trekked his unique sound to far corners of the universe, rocking out the biggest and most important international music festivals and clubs. He has played, recorded, toured and helped shape the influential sounds of big names such as Balkan Beat Box, Shantel, New York City's punk heroes Firewater and the Macedonian-Romani brass band Kocani Orkestar. Uri is also the leader of the chartsuccessful Mediterranean surf band Boom Pam, who's currently collaborating with Turkish psychedelic-folk legend Selda Bagcan.
After roaming the globe, Uri felt the urge to pursue earlier influences that had always echoed in the back of his mind. He returned to the sounds and artists that shaped him since his teens; Cream's fuzzed British Invasion, Link Wray's Surfed-up style and The Sonics' soulful garage feel. The fresh new formula worked, and a true and original sound was revealed. Uri's kaleidoscopic vision exemplifies good ol' Rock n' Roll with an oriental tinge, which is undoubtedly heard in his latest endeavour, Ouzo Bazooka.
The group has been touring extensively for the past 2 years, gaining local recognition, plenty of radio airplay, and supporting act shows in Tel Aviv for both The Pixies and The Hives. Ouzo's debut album was released in Japan by Tokyo based label, Tuff Beats, and in Germany by Broken Silence Distribution. The German release was followed by a sold-out concert in Berlin and was received with approval on the German airwaves. On RadioEins, the single 'Going Down' was the most played song for 2015.